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Texas State and Local Goverment (45645)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

I always find it interesting reading about people's thoughts on abortion.  Many arguments on both sides of the subject are valid points; however, I still aim for pro-choice. 

After reading Christina Valdez's blog, "Why Not Give it a Second Look?", I disagree with her points on being pro-life.  Christina gives examples about being pro-life by mentioning a few successful individuals whose mothers almost followed through with their abortion.  Without some of these individuals, our world would be a lot different due to their contributions to Technology or their roles in life.

My argument is that Christina is only giving a few examples of individuals who benefit our society today, but we should let the mother decide what she wants to do with her own body and her own child because we don't know what each mother’s situation is.  The circumstances are different with each pregnancy; we never know if the pregnancy was due to a rape or incest situation.  Let the mother decide whether or not she wants to bring up her child after being a victim of rape.  They are the only ones that know what it feels like carrying a child from being forced to have sex, so why should we also force them to have the child?  A lot of them are already traumatized and you never know if going through the pregnancy would only negatively affect them even more.

Other mothers decide to abort because of the lifestyle they are living; drugs, violence, AIDS or HIV, or homeless.  Knowing they are going to bring a child up in their same lifestyle might not be the best, but that's for them to decide.  A child being raised in that type of environment is more likely to live that exact life when they grow up.

A mother is THE mother and she should be able to decide what's best for her child. Only she knows what the circumstances are and how it'll benefit or affect the child.

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